2. NEMAT KHARBOUTLI Acting CEO Muslim Women Australia (MWA) info@mwa.org.au
Message form the Acting CEO |
Assalamu Alaykum dear sisters and community, It has been an incredibly challenging last few months. By the will of Allah – and all praise is to Him – we are now on the cusp of being over the mountain, insha Allah! From next week, society will begin opening up again as lockdown restrictions ease. It is a highly anticipated time for us all. As we emerge from one of the most gruelling periods in our living memory, it is nonetheless important that we remember that COVID-19 has been defined by its ability to shift, change, and for new variants to wreak havoc. As such, adhering to the health advice which we all know has ultimately proven absolutely spot on is critical. Further, we want to remind everyone that we know for many of us there will be an element of disorientation as we go back to a “normal” life that many of us have forgotten. If you are struggling – in any which way – please get in touch with us to see how we can support you. It’s important that you know we’re there, and its important we are all there for each other: family, friends and more. So please do ask people to see how they are doing and to support them if you can! Relevantly, this month we are marking national Mental Health Month. This could barely come at a better time given the challenges we’ve been through. We look forward to sharing much with you in this respect on our social media channels and hope you can follow us. We’ll also share some great materials by email in the coming few newsletters. A specific reminder this week that we are here to support Temporary Visa Holders. If you know of a person with a temporary visa that needs the community’s support, please direct them to us and we would be delighted to support, insha Allah! Finally, we bring your attention to a range of exciting new activities as we enter a new school term. We are delighted to be hosting these and hope they can be a small semblance of our journey back to a (new!) normal. Several are online and some are in person – please check them out below. May Allah keep us steadfast and make the coming months easier than the past few have been. |
A reminder that MWA is here to support the community. If you are facing struggles now or have any particular issues of concern that you would like us to raise further, please get in touch with us via info@mwa.org.au or 02 9750 6916. |
Assalamu Alaykum dear sisters and broader community, We bid you an Eid Mubarak, and yet again it is a peculiar type of Eid. The test that has faced the entire globe struck us once again in these blessed days and – it seems – even more severely at what is otherwise a time of celebration. At this time, we ask Allah (SWT) to continue to grant us patience and contentment during these difficult times and connect us sincerely through our hearts. We pray that you and your families are keeping well and staying safe. At this time, we remember the promise of Allah: إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا Verily With every hardship there is Ease. (Qur’an 94: 5) Despite the uncertain times we currently face, there is no barrier to prevent us from devoting ourselves to Allah. We are still in the blessed month of Dhul Hjjah and the blessed days of Tashreeq that follow Eid. Make sure to use these blessed days to complete actions that will help yourself and those around you. We understand how challenging a time it is and reiterate our commitment to support women, children and families in any and all ways we can through the COVID-19 pandemic. We are here to be of assistance in this difficult time in any way possible. Our advice remains to please be home and stay safe. This particular instance of COVID-19 and its recurrence through Australia is very different to last year. For those where these rules apply, if you have to leave your home, make sure you wear a mask, maintaining your physical distance from people, and be extra careful. We are maintaining hope and we will get through this. But also remember that your safety remains the number one priority in any situation. If you or anyone you know needs support, please do not hesitate to get in touch, and if you are in threat of violence, please call the police 000 as soon as you can. Finally, the MWA is here to support the community. If you are facing struggles now or have any particular issues of concern that you would like us to raise further, please get in touch with us via info@mwa.org.au or 02 9750 6916. Our team has been working around the clock making sure that those that need support are receiving the support they need, as well as strongly advocating on the concerns of the community, particularly that of South West Sydney. As a team, we not only work in the LGAs of Fairfield, Liverpool, and Canterbury Bankstown, but many of our team live in these areas also, so you can be sure we will continue to ensure that the needs of the community are being addressed and we will do what we can to instil hope and calm in our hearts. We hope you all look after yourselves in these uncertain times. Once again, we are here to support in any way we can.
With peace, Nemat Kharboutli Acting CEO |
Mental Health and Wellbeing during Pandemic |
Tips to Look after your Mental Well-Being
Managing mental health and wellbeing is extremely important at a time where many may find themselves isolated from the public and even their loved ones.
Here are some tips to ensure a healthy mental wellbeing throughout this pandemic- Contact your loved ones via social media or give them a call to check in
- Talk about how you are feeling, and it is OK to express your concerns
- Maintain routine and connect as much as possible
- Seek professional advice when needed
- Stay in contact with your neighbours and check up on their health
- Reduce exposure to media sources that exaggerate or are designed to make the public more afraid
For more, visit: https://bit.ly/3amTagS If you require support contact MWA Via 02 9750 6916 OR info@mwa.org.au |
MIM: Breathe. Relax. Focus. |
Join us for a mindful conversation around health, hope and wellness with Senior Psychologist Hend Saab. This session will also provide women with the opportunity to ask questions about managing stress, maintaining hope, and overall mental well being.
Date: Thursday 29 July
Time: 10am - 11:30am Location: Online via MS Teams |
Find the latest COVID updates in NSW in over 60 Languages. |
We are inviting those in our networks that may be eligible to partake in an important piece of research around Muslim Refugee Women's Identity and Economic Empowerment. The aim of the research is to trace the journey of working refugee Muslim women in Australia and learn how their ideas about who they are might have changed because of their employment. This question will be considered in terms of your education, religion, work opportunities, family ties as well as the effect of Islamophobia on your overall experience in Australia. Furthermore, the findings of this study can be used to formulate better policies for refugee women in the future. To PARTICIPATE, YOU MUST:- Be a Muslim Woman
- Have a Right to Work in Australia
- Have arrived in Australia as a Refugee
- Be Employed or Recently Employed
- Be between 20-65 years of age
WHAT IS INVOLVED?- One-hour phone interview or a Face to Face Interview in a public place (Public Library/Host Organization/ Cafe)
- Participation is voluntary and confidential
- $25 Woolworth Grocery Voucher for participation
If you are interested, please contact us at:
UME RUBAB SHEIKH PhD Candidate Dept. of Sociology and Social Policy Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The University of Sydney Email: ushe2749@uni.sydney.edu.au |
Victoria - Submissions open for short story collection: Stories of Intersections
The Creative Co-Operative is publishing a book of stories of intersections written, edited and illustrated entirely by migrant Women of Colour in Victoria . They are looking for illustrators and writers to share their stories – the challenges we face, the beauty behind our resilience and what we believe society can do better so that a less divisive future can be achieved in the next 10 years. Call out for abstracts and illustrators applications are due 25 July 2021. Check out Stories of Intersections for more details. |
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The Prophet (SAW) said: "When a person dies, all action is cut off for him except for three things: Sadaqa which continues, knowledge which benefits, or a righteous child who makes supplication for him . Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 38 10 Years of Service and Still Going... 133 YOUTH LEADERS MENTORED 60000+ NON MUSLIMS REACHED THROUGH TALKS 100+ ONLINE PROGRAMS 151 NEW MUSLIMS MENTORED 1383 COMMUNITY COURSES AND EVENTS 32 ISLAMIC CHAPLAINCY GRADUATES 307 ISLAMIC STUDIES AND ARABIC UNIVERSITY GRADUATES LARGEST ARABIC AND ISLAMIC STUDIES FACULTY IN AUSTRALIA ince 2011, Studio Arabiya has been trusted by thousands of students, hundreds of teachers, and many schools and organizations worldwide for their source of ,uran, and Islamic Studies education.SaraIqraSense.Zainob Murad Administrative Officer ISRA,
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন